How to distinguish among “printing, embroidery, jacquard”


Printing, embroidery and jacquard are used to decorate garment accessory and fabric such as lace and ribbon; however, do you know how to distinguish between them?

Comparison between printing and jacquard: Printing pattern is printed after weaving, with many choices; jacquard is weaved on fabric in the process of weaving, and after the pattern completes, it can not be changed.

  • Printing

Printing is divided into reactive printing and normal printing.


  • Offset printing

Offset printing is a transferring material which differs from printing. It is convenient to use as just put offset printing paper on the surface of fabric and then ironing about a few seconds to print the pattern on the fabric.

Offset printing could in some extent replace traditional printing for its cost is lower than other printings. It really provide with convenience to factory and easy to use. Offset printing is used widely, besides garment it also used in toy、hat、shoes、bag、 leather

product、plastic product and wooden product.


  • Embroidery

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Embroidery pattern is embroidered by embroidery machine after finishing weaving. Comparing with printing, embroidery has good Permeability and Hygroscopicity, and won’t fade while washing. At present, there are many embroidery pattern software in market.

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  • Jacquard

Jacquard is a weaving method that is weaved with yarn in different color when the pattern on fabric is in process. As for the advantages of jacquard, it cost more but better in quality and Permeability.


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